BFBAnnual Meeting February 24/25 2025

BFB events talks seminars workshops

Everything the BFB has to offer.

BFB Events
BFB Events
BFBJobTalk Industry
Seminar Room Campus ...
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
BFB JobTalks Career Counseling: Let's talk about jobs. Introducing jobs in and outside academia. Qiagen Bayer AG Industry
Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Simon Schneider

BFB JobTalks

Career Counseling: Let's talk about jobs. Former BFB member introduce their jobs in and outside academia.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.


 We introduce methods and techniques together with application examples. 

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Simon Schneider


We offer workshops to learn methods and soft skills training for Life Sciences

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Simon Schneider

BFB Annual Meeting

At the annual BFB meeting the main focus will be on presentations by young scientists presenting their current results in their fields in short lectures or during the poster-sessions.  

Seminars and Talks

  • MPINB Midbrain circuits for flexible instinctive behaviours

    Neuroscience Seminar Series @Max-Planck-Institut for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar Vanessa Stempel, Research Group Leader- Instinctive Behaviour Circuits, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research "Midbrain circuits for flexible instinctive behaviours"

  • OrganoidClub Engineering organoid models for drug discovery

    The next seminar of the Bonn Organoid Club: Reiner Wimmer (Roche) "Engineering vascularized organoid models for drug discovery" Im „Bonn Organoid Club“ treffen sich interessierte Forschende monatlich zum Austausch von Expertise und Reagenzien zu Organoid-Modellen in der biomedizinischen Forschung. Ein Schwerpunkt dabei sind technische Aspekte, die für viele Wissenschaftler in diesem Bereich von Interesse sind. Zusätzlich werden auch externe Wissenschaftler zu Vorträgen eingeladen, um ihre Forschung zum Thema "Organoide" der Bonner Community zu präsentieren. Der Bonn Organoid Club wird organisiert von Florian I. Schmidt, Elena Reckzeh und Ana Ivonne Vazquez-Armendariz, mit Unterstützung der TRA Leben und Gesundheit.

  • Accessing Germany’s Non-Academic Job Market Tipps and Strategies

    Get an overview what careers are out there for you as a doctorate holder and where to look for career options outside of classic academia. You will be empowered to try out new strategies and start taking your next career steps. Even if you’re still undecided about whether to leave or stay in academia, the workshop will be of interest.

  • TRA "Technologies Drive New Science"- 3

    We would like to invite you and your group members to our 3rd TRA Mini-Symposium "Technologies Drive New Science"! We will have presentations of exciting new methods, supported by our TRA Method Development Grants, as well as presentations focusing on Spatial Biology as well as novel microscopy techniques for organoids.

  • DZNE Cellular and Epigenetic Mechanisms of T Cell Aging in Humans

    SysMed Talk Jörg Goronzy, MD, PhD 'Brain-wide dynamics underlying different cognitive functions' Jörg J. Goronzy, MD, PhD is a Professor of Medicine and Immunology at the Mayo College of Medicine and Science in Rochester, MN. In parallel, he continues to serve as Professor Emeritus at Stanford University, where he was Professor of Medicine with tenure from 2009 to 2021. The main scientific contributions of the Goronzy laboratory lie in the molecular definition of T cell biology, with a special emphasis on how T cell function is compromised in the aging host. His team has identified epigenetic and molecular pathways that change with age and control the function of pathogenic T cells in rheumatoid arthritis and in giant cell arteritis.

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